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Gary Sexton: Fine Arts & KPP

From early music to modern compositions, host Gary Sexton takes you on a tour of classical music while providing enlightening facts about the music to inform your listening and deepen your understanding.

  • Gary talks to YSU Alumni Carmella Williams about what it takes to be kind, patient, and positive.
  • Gary invites friend and healthcare worker Alexis Smith to discuss what it takes for her to be kind, patient, and positive.
  • Gary invites John Polanski to discuss what it takes for him to be kind, patient and positive.
  • Gary talks to Youngstown Flea founder and independent mayor candidate Derrick McDowell about kindness, patience, and positivity.
  • Gary invites YSU Mathematics Professor Alicia Prieto Langarica to discuss what it takes for her to be kind, patient, and positive.
  • Gary Sexton invites friend and station supporter Stacey Adger to discuss what it means to be kind, patient, and positive.
  • Sergey Bogza, new Music Director and Conductor for Youngstown Symphony Orchestra, joins Gary to discuss YSO's October Rhapsody Royale concert.
  • Sergey Bogza joins Gary to discuss his musical background as well as his upcoming projects as the new conductor and director of the Youngstown Symphony Orchestra.
  • Joshua Zona, Musical Director of Renova Music Festival, joins Gary to discuss what we can expect for this year's installment of the festival taking place in June.
  • Conductor Eric Oschner and lead vocalist of the Vindys, Jackie Popovec, discuss their April 26th concert taking place at Powers Auditorium.