Gary Sexton: Fine Arts & KPP
From early music to modern compositions, host Gary Sexton takes you on a tour of classical music while providing enlightening facts about the music to inform your listening and deepen your understanding.
Pastor Abraham Allende of St. John's Episcopal Church joins Gary to discuss kindness, patience, and positivity.
Lynn Bilal of Gloris Counseling Services joins Gary to discuss, kindness, patience, and positivity.
Dr. Nicolette Powe discusses kindness, patience, and positivity with Gary.
Varada Bhide of YWCA of Youngstown joins Gary to discuss kindness, patience, and positivity.
YSU emeritus Homer Warren joins Gary to discuss kindness, patience, and positivity.
Rev. Joseph Boyd of the UU Church of Youngstown joins Gary to discuss, kindness, patience, and positivity.
Mayor of Struthers Cat Cercone Miller discusses kindness, patience, and positivity.
Gary invites local activist Penny Wells to discuss what it takes for her to be kind, patient, and positive.
Gary invites Vindicator Reporter Sean Barron to discuss his perspective on kindness, patience, and positivity.
Gary invites Julius Oliver to discuss what it takes for him to be kind, patient and positive.