Mo Ray
Morning Edition Hostmoray@wysu.org
Mo Ray spent most of his formative years in Fort Worth, Texas. He attended The University of Texas at Arlington before leaving to work at a factory after high school and later at the then-Hyatt Regency Fort Worth as a bellman. From there he found employment with General Motors in 1984. During an extended layoff in 1987, he entered the U.S. Army full-time, where he went on to become a Gulf War-era veteran.
Upon discharge in 1991 he returned to GM in Arlington, Texas where he worked until the plant faced a potential shutdown in 1994. He opted to take a transfer to the GM Lordstown, Ohio plant. His old plant got a reprieve from the shutdown, but he never regretted the move to Youngstown. A chance meeting with a radio programming director led to a job offer at 570 WKBN.
After retiring from General Motors in 2016, he continued to do his radio talk show until 2021. Out of the blue, a few months after leaving talk radio, he received yet another offer of a job in radio from WYSU-FM as the Morning Edition host from 6 to 9 am.
Mo is an insatiable news junkie who also enjoys watching documentaries, biographies and cooking shows. He even dabbles with cooking on his own and loves to try new and exotic cuisines. A big fan of space exploration, both real and imagined, he's more "Star Trek" than "Star Wars'. Musically, he has very eclectic tastes, with a particular fondness of rock, jazz and blues. He also likes to explore nearby Mill Creek Park with his dog, "Jazz", on an almost daily basis. He has been overwhelmed by the support of both listeners and his co-workers in his new radio endeavor and strives to continue improving.