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Melissa Limpose

Broadcast Engineer


Melissa has lived in Northeast Ohio her whole life. She grew up on a small dairy farm, but she’s always been into tech. She wrote her first computer program when she was 10 years old on an Atari 800XL.

She received a B.A. in Communication in 1998 and a B.S. in Computer Science in 2000, both from Kent State. She started graduate school in fall of 2000 and taught at KSU for a couple of years, while also working as a Programmer/Analyst. However, she felt like she had another calling. In 2002, she was hired as a Broadcast Engineer at Clear Channel Radio (IheartMedia), and while learning the job, she became fascinated with RF transmission. She stayed there for almost 19 years, until June of 2021, when she came to WYSU.

Currently, she lives with her husband and two teenagers, and she tries to be a good role model for her kids. Because of this, she enrolled here at YSU in 2013 and finished her Master’s degree in CIS. She is hoping they see the value in learning new things and continue to be inspired to, no matter how old they get.

In her spare time she likes to spend time with family and friends. Between their piano lessons and hockey practices, she tries to get her kids out and exploring nature. She has an interest in paranormal events and likes to look for evidence with friends in the hopes of capturing some kind of “proof”, but this is done with a light-hearted approach, just for fun...unless they actually find something!